The Kodak Legal Size Flatbed Accessory, the Kodak A3 Flatbed Accessory and the new Kodak
A3 Size Flatbed Accessory—used in conjunction with a compatible Kodak Scanner—allow you to easily scan fragile or oversized documents, books, magazines, photo enlargements and more. All three flatbeds attach and detach in seconds, and can be easily stored away until needed again.
The Legal Size Flatbed also features book-edge scanning, allowing you to scan one page at a time and eliminate blurred or dark imaging in the “gutter” area of a book that sits fully opened on the glass platen.
In the box
After connecting a Flatbed Accessory
as needed, simply place a document on
the glass and select “scan” to capture high-quality images
Benefit from all the Perfect Page
imaging features your Kodak Scanner
offers when you scan using a Kodak
Flatbed Accessory
Take advantage of Kodak’s Smart Touch
functionality—scan to file, e-mail,
Microsoft SharePoint and other
applications with the push of a button
Output single- and multi-page TIFF,
JPEG, RTF, BMP, PDF and searchable
PDF formats
The Legal Size Flatbed provides a
streamlined, compact design with
a small footprint
Supported by TWAIN and ISIS
drivers (Linux also supported in
some instances)